Feng Shui is a form of Chinese metaphysical science originally known as Kan Yu. It is an art of locating and positioning graves (Yin Houses) and buildings (Yang Houses) so that the environment's natural energies (Qi) supports the residents. The practice of Feng Shui for assessing the best place to locate tombs, settlements, and later residences relies on two major methodologies: Xing Fa ( 形法 ) and Li Qi ( 理氣 ).
Feng Shui Ideologies
Xing Fa
Li Qi
focuses on the physical aspects of the landscape and relates to the visible physical features of nature and their shape, form, contour, appearance, conformation and flow.
The science of Li Qi orientates according to the cosmological forces of the universe. It relates to the invisible forces of nature, it's quality, direction, influence, flow and time.
Through the years, several major schools of Feng Shui evolved incorporating aspects from these two categories: Ba Zhai ( 八宅 ), San He ( 三合 ), San Yuan ( 三元 ) and Xuan Kong Fie Xing ( 玄空非星 ), Xuan Kong Da Gua ( 玄空大卦 ), and Yi Jing Ba Gua ( 易經八卦 ).