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Understanding Your Bazi Chart



A Ba (8) Zi (Characters) is a composition of Heaven, Earth and Man. A chart comprises of Four Pillars. Each Pillar consists of two characters - one oat the top, one at the bottom. The top character is known as a Heavenly Stem and the bottom character is known as the Earthly Branch. A complete Ba Zi chart has four sets of characters - Four Heavenly Stems and Four Earthly Branches.


Hour Pillar - denotes a person's dreams, hopes and inspiration


Day Pillar - represents an individual's relationship with his or her spouse


Month Pillar - represents career and business outlook


Year Pillar - shows an individual's health and relationships with others (e.g., friends, co-workers, etc.)


The Hour and Day Pillars (Internal) represents one's inner personality and behavior that others cannot see. The Month and the Year Pillars (External) are personalities and behaviors that one exhibits and are visible to others.

All things start in this Trinity (Heaven, Earth, and Man). They interact to generate specific environment and outcome.

Heaven (天) or Heavenly Stems represent our social outcomes and events

Earth (地) or Earthly Branches represents our feelings

Man (人) or the Hidden Stems represents our hidden secrets, innate character, your potentials and relationships.

Below is the Luck Pillars. In general, every luck cycle spans over 10 years, and the luck cycles changes every 10 years. So, one

might become rich at 30 and pauper at 60--the luck changes. The way to avoid these mishaps is by knowing what's to come and

cushion the blow or avoid it altogether.

Chart printed from

Your Bazi Chart tells you about the social outcomes and behaviors, and determines who you are (talents, character, weaknesses and

strengths); how you relate to others (your spouse, family, colleagues); what opportunities are presented and when (luck cycles, family background, family, siblings); your life's events and outcome (marriage, career, health problems); and whether or not you're going to have children and how they will be (closeness, problematic or helpful).

The underlying principle behind Ba Zi analysis is that there are five (5) driving forces in the universes. These five elements - Metal, Wood,

Water, Fire and Earth are the ingredients that made up Heaven, Earth and Man (天地人). Heaven  has 5 elements and so does Earth and Man or Hidden Stems.


A good Ba Zi chart has harmony between the 5 elements. If a chart is good, then the person will enjoy good fortune. However, if a chart is the opposite and there's an imbalance in the elements, the person's fortune will not be too good. For instance, if a chart is predominantly Yin or Yang elements, it is obvious that there's an imbalance and the chart is not very good. Individuals with such charts are lonely and unable to express their emotions effectively.


The 5 Elements represent certain key attributes in a person's chart. For instance:


Water - represents a person's wisdom. So if Water is present, it indicates that a person is wise and intelligent and is capable of thinking clearly. A poor quality Water element indicates a person who is slow-witted and foolish.


Wood - relates to the person's benevolence and gratitude. People with a good heart, a positive outlook in life and those who are progressive in nature, have good quality Wood elements in their chart. Those who lack kindness or compassion, and who are unable to make progress in life, invariably have poor quality Wood elements.


Fire - is extremely important because it governs a person's elegance and mannerisms. A good fire element in the chart denotes that the person behaves appropriately, elegantly and graciously. Fire also represents passion - a poor quality Fire element belongs to an individual who gets depressed easily and often feels inadequate.


Earth - represents trustworthiness. Excessive or lack of Earth elements causes problems with the person's stability.


Metal - is what gives a person decisiveness, a sense of justice and righteousness. A good quality Metal element in a person's chart means a person has good leadership and decision-making ability.

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