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Evaluating Luck in Feng Shui




















The Cosmic Trinity: Heaven, Earth and Man refers to the three factors that influence our lives. Each exerts an equal (33.3%) influence on us.


Heaven luck refers to one's Destiny. It is the life path that is laid out for each of us--what we are born with. This is something we cannot change.


Earth luck refers to the environment in which we live and work in. It is the aspect of the cosmic trinity that Feng Shui looks to address and help improve.


Man luck refers to our actions and choices one makes in life--beliefs, education, aspirations and virtues.


Each of the above three factors is inter-related. They do not function in isolation. For example, in an ideal situation, a person would have good Heaven Luck (a superior destiny), good Earth Luck (excellent Feng Shui) and good Man Luck (the ability and wisdom to make the right choice and take the right action). When all three factors operate in tandem, everything is smooth. For most of us with less desirable Heaven Luck, we have to rely on our Earth and Man luck (66.6%) to improve our lives. Feng Shui can help bring about some improvement (Earth luck) and knowing what we are good at based on our Bazi chart, we can maximize on our Man luck by making the rigth choices and taking the right action.


Another interpretation on luck evaluation is referred to as the Five Factors: Yi Ming (Destiny), Er Yun (Lucky/Unlucky Era), San Feng Shui (Feng Shui), Shi Ji De (Virtue), and Wu Du Shu (Education). Yi Ming and Er Yun are what we are born with and we cannot control or change them. For instance, you might have been born into a rich family, but if your birth is not timely (or unlucky) success may not be possible. Timeliness means that if you are a metal person, a good time for you to be born is during the season when your element is supported. This is the reason why most Chinese women consults a Feng Shui master of the timing of conception and birth for their children to ensure their good luck. If your Yi Ming and Er Yun are not so good, you can still maximize on your Feng Shui, Virtue and Education.



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